Letters %257c Lessons From Your Future Self

Letters | Worry Less, Trust More

Randy Ayres
If you had a pen that could rewrite your past, what would you say? Would you offer words of wisdom or a plea for perspective? Would you challenge yourself to try harder, work less, commit or trust more? You can't change the past, but you can learn from it. And maybe the advice you would give your younger self is exactly what you need to hear right now. Join us for week 1 as Pastor Randy talks through the idea of worrying less and trusting more.
Sunday, April 16, 2023


Letters | Lessons From Your Future Self

If you had a pen that could rewrite your past, what would you say? Would you offer words of wisdom or a plea for perspective? Would you challenge yourself to try harder, work less, commit or trust more? You can't change the past, but you can learn from it. And maybe the advice you would give your younger self is exactly what you need to hear right now.

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